
【讲座通知】莫斯科大学Alexander P. Shkurinov教授专题报告


讲座题目: Introduction into the nonlinear THz Photonics :Interaction of high-intense femtosecond radiation with gas medium and gascluster beams

时间:2018年 1月 18日(周四)上午 10:00-11:30



  Alexander P. Shkurinov教授,莫斯科大学物理系教授,太赫兹光子和光电子学实验室主任。致力于太赫兹光子学和非线性光学的研究30年,为表彰起在太赫兹研究领域做的贡献,Alexander P. Shkurinov是莫斯科大学首位获得杰出科学家荣誉称号的教授。其带领团队在国际重要期刊上发表了高水平论文两百余篇,获得多项发明专利,获得俄罗斯基础研究基金、俄罗斯科技部、教育部等多项目的支持,目前在俄罗斯高校排名第一位。



  The lectures include the following:Nonlinear optical properties of various materials. Plasma Characterization With Terahertz Pulses.  Interaction of high-intense laser pulses with gas cluster target, Evolution of cluster nanoplasma under high-intense laser pulses irradiation. Resonance energy in clusters absorption, Terahertz generation in argon gas cluster jet. Terahertz generation in argon gas cluster jet. THz generation in laser-induced breakdown plasma: enhancing of THz yield. Generation of X-Ray radiation in clustered plasma. Production of the cluster target under adiabatic expansion through supersonic nozzle. Typical energy spectrum of X-ray generated from argon gas cluster jet measured under excitation by femtosecond laser pulses. X-ray generated from Ar, Ar+SF6, Ar+CF3I cluster jets under excitation by femtosecond laser pulses. THz and X-ray yield a function of laser pulse duration for positively/ negatively chirping at various laser pulse energies.

  THz generation as a diagnostic tool. Evolution of gas cluster jet along its propagation under the adiabatic expansion of the gas into vacuum. Modeling of Ar gas condensation process under the adiabatic expansion. Numerical calculations: radial distribution of average cluster size at various distances from nozzle throat (critical section) in stream lines SL1, SL2 and SL3. Investigation of Cluster Dynamic with THz&X-ray generation  by “Stopped-Flow like” technique. THz yield in forward direction under two-color excitation of versus laser pulse duration for various distances below nozzle edge.