


1、THz Near-Field Imaging of Extreme Subw**elength Metal StructuresACS Photonics 7, 687(2020),XZChen-GJYou.pdf

2、Lipids monitoring in Scenedesmus obliquus based on terahertz technology,Biotechnol Biofuels 13161,(2020),YNShao.pdf

3、Terahertz Imaging and Spectroscopy in Cancer Diagnostics: A Technical Review,BME Frontiers,2547609(2020),YPeng.pdf

4、Millimeter-W**e SAR Sparse Imaging With 2-D Spatially Pseudorandom Spiral-Sampling Pattern,IEEE Trans. on Mic. Theo. and Tec.,PP(99)1-1(2020),SXWu-LDing.pdf

5、Geometric phase for multidimensional manipulation of photonics spin Hall effect and helicity-dependent imaging,Nanophotonics 9(6), 1501-1508(2020),XFZang.pdf

6、Terahertz spectroscopy in biomedical field: a review on signal-to-noise ratio improvement,PhotoniX 112,(2020),YPeng.pdf

7、Dual-layered metasurfaces for asymmetric focusing, Photonics Research 830,8,5(2020),BSYao-XFZang.pdf

8、Quantitative analysis of direct oral anticoagulant rivaroxaban by terahertz spectroscopy,Analyst. 3,23(2020),XWu.pdf

9、Geometric metasurface for multiplexing terahertz plasmonic vortices, Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 171106(2020),XFZang.pdf

10、Diagnosis of methylglyoxal in blood by using far-infrared spectroscopy and o-phenylenediamine derivation,Biomedical Optics Express,11, 2, 963(2020),XWu.pdf

11、Quantitative analysis of homocysteine in liquid by terahertz spectroscopy, Biomedical Optics Express,11,5 2570(2020),LPWang-YPeng.pdf

12、Theoretical Investigation on Microc**ity Coupler for Terahertz Quantum-Well Infrared Photodetectors,IEEE Access 8,(2020),XGGuo.pdf

13、GAN-Based Focusing-Enhancement Method for Monochromatic Synthetic Aperture Imaging,IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,20,19(2020)GYYe-LDing.pdf

14、Quantitative Analysis of Metal Particles Concentration in the Composites Based on Terahertz Linear Scatter Method,IEEE T Thz SCI TECHN,10,5-4909(2020),ZFYang-YPeng.pdf

15、Multiband and broadband active controllable terahertz absorption in dual-side grating-gate graphene field-effect transistors, Nanotechnology 31, 284001 (2020),AQYu.pdf 

16、THz generation from laser-induced breakdown in pressurized molecular gases: on the way to terahertz remote sensing of the atmospheres of Mars and VenusNew J. Phys. 22,013039 (2020) ,Peter Solyankin.pdf

17、Excitation of graphene surface plasmons polaritons by guided-mode resonances with high efficiency,Optics Express 28, 9 13224(2020),YXRen-XGGuo.pdf

18、Geometry phase for generating multiple focal points with different polarization states,Optics Express 28,19,28452(2020),YHYuan.pdf

19、Terahertz-frequency temporal differentiator enabled by a high-Q resonator,Optics Express28, 6,(2020),JYXie.pdf

20、Magnetic Modulation of Terahertz W**es via Spin-Polarized Electron Tunneling Based on Magnetic Tunnel JunctionsPHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED 14, 014032 (2020),JMJin.pdf 

21、Symmetry-protected topological phase transitions and robust chiral order on a tunable zigzag lattice, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 101, 165131 (2020),QBZheng.pdf

22、Ultrafast electron transport in metallic antiferromagnetic Mn2Au thin films probed by terahertz spectroscopy, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 102, 014438 (2020),JMJin.pdf

23、A Novel High-Frequency Vibration Error Estimation and Compensation Algorithm for THz-SAR Imaging Based on Local FrFT, Sensors 20, 2669(2020),YWLi.pdf

24、Critical Factors for In Vivo Measurements of Human Skin by Terahertz Attenuated Total Reflection Spectroscopy,Sensors 20, 4256(2020),LXWang-LChen.pdf

25、Terahertz on-chip sensing by exciting higher radial order spoof localized surface plasmons,Applied Physics Express 13, 012014 (2020),JZhou-LChen.pdf

26、Temperature dependent terahertz giant anisotropy and cycloidal spin w**e modes in BiFeO3 single crystal, Chin. Phys. B 29,7 077804 (2020),FLiu-ZMJin.pdf

27、Active Switching of Toroidal Resonances by Using a Dirac Semimetal for Terahertz Communication, Frontiers in Physics,8,602772(2020),YBSun-LChen.pdf

28、Terahertz beam reconfigurable micro-strip Quasi-Yagi-Uda antenna based on monolayer graphene,J. Infrared Millim. W**es39,39(2020),WLYao-XGGuo.pdf

29、Gate-polarity-dependent doping effects of H2O adsorption on graphene/SiO2 field-effect transistors,J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 53,455301(2020),MJXu-XGGuo .pdf

30、Predict sample’s line positions of absorption peaks in terahertz band with the forced radiation intensity of molecular electric dipoles,Optics Communications 458,124848 ZWZhang-YMZhu.pdf

31、Ultrafast photoexcitation dynamics of ZnTe crystals by femtosecond optical pumpprobe and terahertz emission spectroscopy,Microw Opt Technol Lett. 1,6(2020),JRLiu-GJYou.pdf