



(报告一)题目:Laser terahertz emission nanoscopy太赫兹激光纳米显微技术

报告时间:20191109:30 -10:30


报告摘要:Laser  terahertz emission spectroscopy has become a standard tool for studying  nonlinear optics and ultrafast carrier dynamics in solids. In this  process, excitation of a sample by a femtosecond optical pulse produces a  picosecond burst of terahertz radiation as a signature of ultrafast  charge carrier dynamics. This versatile optical technique can provide  valuable information about the initial phases of carrier motion  immediately following photoexcitation, and has been applied to many  different material systems, including both bulk and surface dynamics in  semiconductors, as well as new materials such as graphene and strongly  correlated materials such as high-Tc oxides and topological insulators.  These studies h**e all been limited in their spatial resolution by the  diffraction-limited focusing of the input optical beam. In this talk, we  discuss the adaptation of this emission spectroscopy technique to the  nanoscale. Inspired by recent results in scattering-type near-field  terahertz imaging and spectroscopy, we h**e constructed a new microscope  for performing terahertz emission spectroscopy with nanometer spatial  resolution. We demonstrate that the nonlinear process giving rise to  terahertz emission is confined to a tip-size limited spatial region, on  the order of 20 nm. This development offers the exciting new possibility  of performing emission spectroscopy on individual nanoparticles.

报告人简介:Daniel Mittleman received  his PhD from the University of California Berkeley in 1994.After two  years as a post-doctoral member of the technical staff at Bell  Laboratories, he joined the faculty of the Electrical and Computer  Engineering Department at Rice University in 1996.He moved to the School  of Engineering at Brown University in 2015, where he continues to  pursue research in the science and technology of the terahertz range.  Dr. Mittleman is a Fellow of the OSA, the APS, and the IEEE. He is  currently serving a three-year term as the Chair of the International  Society for Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz W**es.



(报告二)题目:The review of terahertz太赫兹的研究进展

报告时间:201911010:30 -11:30



报告人简介:张希成教授,罗彻斯特大学光学研究所主任教授(Parker Givens Chair of Optics, The Institute of Optics, University of Rochester)。北京大学物理系77 届学生。1981年从北京大学物理系赴美留学CASPEA program),1986年年获美国**大学(Brown University)物理博士学位。1984年——1991年先后在麻省理工学院(MIT)、阿莫科研究中心(Amoco Research Center)和哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)从事研究工作。1992年进入伦斯勒理工学院(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)任教,主任教授 (Erik Jonsson Chair Professor of Science), 太赫兹研究中心主任,和代理系主任。2012年——2017罗彻斯特大学光学研究所所长。他是中科院和中国多所大学的兼职教授。2012任莫斯科国立大学(Lomonosov Moscow State University)荣誉教授。2014任圣彼得堡ITMO大学科学顾问。张希成教授是AAAS, APS, IEEE, OSA, and SPIE Fellow。张教授同时各类国际会议中作大会发言、各类学术报告、学术研讨以及特邀报告400余次。他也是多家学术期刊杂志的编委和Optics Letters的主编(2014-2016)。累计在国内外期刊发表了论文300余篇、参与了20多本书及相关章节的编写工作、拥有29项美国专利。张希成教授从1988开始在THz成像和生物-医学应用,超快光子学、光电子学领域的研究。张希成教授的H-Index = 83; 总文章引用次>30,000 (Google Scholar)